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an  unlikely  beginning

Long ago, a gargantuan proto-dragon known as the "progenitor of dragonkind" gave way to the Dragonflights, a collection of powerful and majestic creatures set to serve as safeguard for Kalimdor (now Azeroth). The titans chose few to shepherd forth the budding world, creating Aspects to serve as leaders amidst their kind and usher forth evolution. Through hardship and hostility, many of the once great creatures that roamed this world have perished. It befalls onto their descendants to remain apart of the sacred order made by those who gifted them life.

Until now.

After the events of the Dragon Soul, many dragonkind have found themselves displaced and ununited. Broken by consistent conflict, many of these creatures have been displaced and disregarded. The once noble dragonflights have neared obsoletion in comparison to much more provocative powers. While they remain respected and revered, their prominence continues to wane as Azeroth progresses, leaving those once tasked with protecting it in a troubling position. Where does one go from here?

Having watched the influence dissipate, the children of these great guardians choose to rise above what history has deemed them. In particular, a whelp by the name of Ryxtria sought to make reparations for the broken world her father had left. Deathwing's scars littered Azeroth's surface and she sought to mend these ever-bleeding wounds.

It is in her excursion to survey damage that she fell into a strange veil, thrusting her forth and into a land of endless depravity and corruption. The Emerald Nightmare—newly tainted after the fall of another ancient aspect, Ysera. Her body fell and found itself bound by root, revealing a young dragon and daughter of Ysera by the name of Pyliphra. Despite the evident difference in morals betwixt the two, they fostered a friendship that'd inevitably lead to the banner of Wyrm Unity.

In an effort to gather those like herself, Ryxtria offered forth a Feast for the Flights, an event in which they could congregate and discuss a way to help Azeroth despite the circumstances. Many came of different shapes, sizes, and ages. It was at this meeting that the true purpose of this banquet was revealed—the creation of a newfound Wyrmrest Accord, now and forever to be known as the Wyrm Unity. A place for those displaced, dejected, and misbegotten to gather and rekindle that titan's flame bound to every drake, dragon, and wyrm. 


"This resurgence is a wonderful reminder that we've never lost our purpose. I admire their fearlessness."

— Alexstrasza, Life-Binder and Aspect of the Red Dragonflight  

As Wyrm Unity grew, the world did not turn a blind eye to their burgeoning. Those who had lived in seclusion now recalled such an association and sought to involve themselves, joining and serving as council to those young and inexperienced. Never seeking to neglect a dragon, sworn, nor mortal from safeharbor—this newfound group began to serve as a sanctuary. Even if it meant the dwindling of resources, never would they relinquish a helping hand from one that may require it. Through this devoted process, even the most corrupt of creatures have found faith in a world where they once had none. 

The vision of one young black dragon now served as a foundation for rebirth. They would not remain elusive and made it evidently clear to any adversaries that they could challenge them head on. This truth would be tested time and time again, whether it be by negligent dragonkin seeking to destruct something great or by an elusive mortal figure intent on seeing them wiped out, possessed by an external force. Their constant strength would serve as foundation for the act of Council, which sought to ensure that every member, no matter the rank, would have a voice whilst in Wyrm Unity. There would be no structure based upon service nor status. Those who had just found the order would be provided the same platform as those who had saw it's construction. 

"All are deserving of a voice when it is the purpose of Unity in question."

— Yuegos, Leader of the Oathsworn and Wyrm of the Blue Dragonflight

about  our  custom  lore

We at Wyrm Unity use much of what Warcraft has provided to us as a template. We freely break any lore in which we feel may be detrimental to our purpose as a guild or as a safe-space. By doing so, we allow our members the freedom of becoming who they want with little consequence in regards to what Warcraft's outline may or may not permit. While we do have our restrictions, none are truly limiting to that in terms of character creation as long as a character follows our rules and guidelines. We seek to be successful without the blatant use of sexual violence, sexism, racism, transphobia, and the like.


Knowing Wyrm Unity's custom lore is not necessarily a requirement, but it may be helpful if you seek to further understand the guild's place in the world. 

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