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guild rules

regulations and  guidelines


Kirasath rikk ante and fair tidings! May your wings spread far and your influence farther. 


We at Wyrm Unity pride ourselves in conserving an environment that is both welcoming and friendly. It is of utmost importance that you feel as if you are able to express yourself adequately and develop your character as you see fit. In order to maintain this atmosphere, we want to emphasize what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you. By breaking any of these rules, you are subject to punishment depending on the severity of the situation. 

Please be aware that this community also abides by all of the in-game policies at Blizzard Entertainment, including Blizzard's Code of Conduct as well as Discord's community guidelines.


1) Respect: This is not an option. You represent this community regardless of your position in it and thusly, you'll want to maintain your best face forward. Everyone within this council is considered equal and your opinion matters just as much as the next. Treat your fellow members with a common courtesy. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Going off of this, officers expect for members to have enough respect for each other to solve their own interpersonal conflicts, and to not pull others into their disputes unless an officer absolutely needs to intervene. It is okay to not get along--but find a way to be civil.


2) No Toxicity: This is not an option. Racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism—you name it. If you try it, you will be banned. This includes the use of slurs, discriminatory jokes, or vulgar banter that could be inherently triggering. Anything found on third-party venues (e.g., Twitter, Tumblr, etc.) also falls beneath this rule. 


3) 18+: While we may host underage players at large-scale events, the Wyrm Unity discord is strictly 18+. Regardless of this being the case, NSFW imagery is not to be posted anywhere in the server. We will never host a NSFW channel. Artistic nudity is entirely up to officer discretion for posting.


4) Sportsmanship: Got a problem? Get an officer. Having a guild based argument? Get an officer. Do not perpetuate drama or rumormonger. If you have a problem that involves the guild and or guild's content, contact an officer for assistance in solving said matter. Our job is to assist you. If there's ever a problem between any of our members brought to the forefront, as long as it applies to the guild itself, you have our assurance that it will be managed. Keep your in-character and out-of-character feelings separate as they should not reflect upon the real player behind the screen. Failure to adhere to this could amount to punishment. 


5) Inactivity: Wyrm Unity is not a dumping ground. After three months of solid inactivity on the Discord, you'll be kicked from the guild. If you intend to take a break due to personal reasons or vest your interests elsewhere, that's alright! Real life comes first. Notify an officer so we can ensure you will not be removed. Former members who seek to rejoin are encouraged to reapply or talk to an officer. 


6) Roleplay: God-modding and meta-gaming is strictly prohibited. Your actions in-character reflect the community and you are expected to be considerate. Characters that express consistent qualities that detract from guild standards will be removed. Practice common courtesy regardless of where you are, whether that's at Dragonwrath or just chillin' at the Temple. 


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Note: The Officer Core may agree to forego the use of the three-strike policy in cases where a member demonstrates overly aggressive or abusive behavior towards other members and or the Officers. This is not a matter of debate.

Inability or refusal to abide by the guild's rules will result in use of our three-strike policy. Strikes will be addressed and removed at the discretion of the officers depending on severity of cause. 


1.) Your first offense will result in a warning that will be considered your first strike. 

2.) The second offense will constitute in a suspension for a varied amount of time as the situation is reviewed and discussed by the officers. If the second offense was enough to constitute a perma-kick, we will inform you.

3.) Removal and subsequent ban from the guild. 

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