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"Words are just wind, and promises are rarely kept, but a dragon's oath, whether kept in good or bad faith is forever."

Oathstones are Wyrm Unity’s progression feature. As you attend storyline events and gain respect within the assembly, you will earn bonuses to your dragon. These will be represented by titles and roles within the server. Over time, members of Wyrm Unity will be elected to act as guides for these Oathstones. You will be chosen based upon your merit, dedication, and representation of your Path.

You'll choose an Oathstone Path based upon the abilities you desire to develop. As you progress through the tier you can choose to upgrade your current Oathstone or take another within the Path. Once you've reached rank three in any Oathstone, you can then limitlessly progress onto another, or even attempt to conquer another Path. Be warned—being prideful and desiring to claim all will have both positive and negative detriments. These are not so easily given, and require heavy roleplay to increase, specifically requiring attendance to Oathstone events.

Belonging to an Oathstone is not just wanting to become stronger; it is a sworn dedication to serving Azeroth through dedication of your chosen craft. Yuegos is the current Oathstone Mentor.




"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."

The greatest magi are not known for their immense magical prowess, but for their immaculate breadth of knowledge. To weave a spell is to truly embrace it's potential. Harnessing magic requires respect, it requires greatness.

By taking the Wisdom Path, you devote yourself to expanding your intelligence for the sake of dragonkind and Azeroth itself. Whether you are a mere hedge mage or the most cunning spellweaver—it is your wisdom that will carry you through the darkest moments that lie ahead. 

Path Promise:

When choosing this path, you will devote yourself to providing guidance to your fellow Unity members. You will use your studies, training, and sagacity to ensure a bright future. 

To be wise is to be just, it is to be calculated whilst also granting foresight to those around you. Your duty is to convey the difficult truth and only the truth at any cost.

To stray from your prominent path is to carve a way for the next Malygos. You must not submit to hubris, for it will be your undoing.


"I hover closer to earth than I do the clouds." 

To be elusive is to be truly tangible. You must embrace the earth, the shadow, and the aura around you as if it were a lover or an old friend. You don't fear the listless dark, you accompany it. 

By taking the Dexterity Path, you are a master of versatility. You meld most easily to every situation and maneuver yourself as only the most elusive would. You are most dangerous, standing among the strong while also acting on the defensive for those you need to protect.

Path Promise:

When choosing this path, you swear to use your keen observation, illusions, and preservation to protect those who may never thank you. They'll likely never know you're there—but they will appreciate all you do thereafter. 

To befriend shadow is to mingle with the darkest of forces and tempt even the most evil of beings into parley. You will use this keen skill to assist the Unity, not work against it. 

To stray from your devoted path is to allow the most malicious of forms to slink free from the shadows. By doing this, you will allow the next Vexiona to freely reign terror. Stay your path, shadowed one. 




“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible.”

To speak is to be truly powerful, to embolden yourself with verbiage makes you cunning. To be cunning is to be charismatic, and to be charismatic is to establish impenetrable bonds—even with the enemy. 

As a dragon, your influence already topples that of great world leaders. With generations spend mastering your craft, many often glance in your direction, seeking to bond themselves to your words… But that does not imply that you are always the most loyal, nor trustworthy. You are the words you speak. You are the words you put forth into the world.

Path Promise:

When choosing this path, you recognize the separation between the grip on a dagger and the shimmer of a smile. There's a natural aura you seek to possess that is impenetrable by the barbaric minds that would curry favor by violence. 

You know how to get what you want and acquire what the Unity truly needs by using your effervescence, grace, and sharp tongue. 

To stray from your path is to foster a position for another Onyxia. You must be wary not to deceive and only deceive. 



"Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger. When we suffer, we survive."

This world is not kind. This world is rarely hospitable. It breaks those weak of mind, weak of body  weak of spirit. Many will lie in the wake of the ashes of what was, but those who remain are armored by their broken pieces. 

It is no doubt that dragonkind is known for being physically fortuitous. They can handle far more than the single swipe of a stray blade or an errant arrow. It is standing your ground, never faltering, and knowing of your place. You know that life is not friendly nor forgiving and that makes you resilient. 

Path Promise:

By taking the Strength path, you swear an oath to those you stand beside. I will protect you, I will ensure your safety. You do not crusade for the purpose of harm but for those who are not fortuitous as you. 

You serve the Unity not by being a pinnacle of ruin, but as a force to be reckoned with.


To refuse this oath, you threaten the world the reminder of Deathwing. You must be strong, but never a tyrant. 



"History is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again."

To look back is to look forward. Dragonkind is nearly immortal, meaning that all things likely have been seen by the eyes of a dragon. All things, from the upturned stones of ages past to the new leaves that fall are familiar. 

Many will forget but you cannot. What many do not know is that without understanding the past, you can never survive in the present. To fashion your path requires relying on your experiences as guidance and leading as an example to others.

Path Promise:

By taking the Lore path, you are a skilled source of information regarding Azeroth and even the worlds beyond it. 

You know your enemies like the back of your hand. You know their weaknesses, their strengths, and on occasion even their intentions. 


Serving the Unity means standing with your ability to reflect and eject your great understanding, enforcing those who do not know to do so.


To forget the transgressions of Murozond would mean the collapse of everything, even history. 



"In the act of falling, I learnt the skill of flying... and in the art of breaking, I learned the magic of healing."

Healing is not the work of a mere mender, nor a skilled practice. It is the work of the soul, the binding of the spirit, and the dedication to keeping those you care for safe. Resolve is purely not the work of those who mean to bind the flesh, it is the force of nature.


While you claim no true mastery over the elements, you see yourself as an extension of nature's indomitable will. You are the embodiment of cunning and fury. You know your surroundings, you know your circumstances, and you fear not the world at large. 

Path Promise:

By taking the Resolve Path, you are a vessel of the world itself. 

You take grasp of the threads that would bind a person together, invigorating and emboldening them. 

You are a powerful sentry of the bodily form. You are a healer. You are devoted to the cause of life. 

To accept nature’s cruelty and ugliness alongside it’s beauty and vastness is an arduous task. To take this for granted would lead you down the path of Alysra, breaking the order you work desperately to maintain. 



Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay! Wyrm Unity's progression system isn't built for minmaxers. It's built for those with a vested interest in contributing to Wyrm Unity's rich and constantly developing lore. You won't progress through your Path by being stagnant nor will you progress by constantly insisting you should. You will progress through achievements within the guild, feats according to your Path and what it entails, and showing a sense of character whilst doing so. Just because you've taken Lore and spout some interesting facts here or there does not mean you'll rank up. 

As said, you will only progress by showing merit and promise. 

Missions: Everybody who formally adopts a Path will be delivered a mission in the #Stratagem channel within our Discord. Your mission will require you to exercise those roleplaying chops for further progression into the Oathstone system. Oathsworn can run events on their own accord as well for further development and occasionally offer artistic prompts to further express how your character is feeling. You can perform missions by writing stories, making art, updating a diary of sorts, or logging roleplay with your fellow Path adoptees. These missions are meant to inspire you, not vex you. You can do as little or as much as you want. 

A Better Community: The goal of the Oathstone system is to create lasting relationships between our members and facilitate character connections. By being active and involved, you allow complete immersion of your character into an additional sprawling community outside of the Unity itself. 

For further information regarding Oathstone upgrades and additional abilities, please check out the #Oathstone channel of our Discord. 

art by @nebulousbren on twitter!

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